Tuesday 28th April - Good Morning P7
Good morning everyone – lets start the day with some physical activity – have a go at Joe Wicks Tuesday workout starting at 9!
As part of your Health and Wellbeing learning today, can you please watch this short video and discuss it with your family members:
After a quick break to catch your breath, take a look at Sumdog for your grammar and punctuation challenges that have been assigned. Also have a go at the “How to use hyphens and colons quiz on BBC bitesize – can you make up your own sentences that need to be fixed? Meanings can be changed by adding a hyphen or colon.
Have a read of this comic in Scots – what do you think? Is it easy to understand? Summarise the story in bullet points to make sure you understood it!
Clic maths today – are you getting any faster? Have a look at the slides for addition using Roman numerals – can you remember their value?
Finally this morning watch Newsround to catch up on the main news today – what are the key stories? Can you think of a question or two?