Sports Day Posters
Good afternoon KPS,
Tuesday 26th May is supposed to be our annual sports day and we won’t let being at home stop us from taking part this year! Instead you will do sports day activities at home that week to earn points for your house. These activities will be posted on Monday 25th May- get this date in your calendar.
To get everyone motivated I would like you to make a poster please. This poster could promote sports day, cheer on the school, cheer on your house team or anything else related to sports day you can think of. For example:
KPS Sports Day Tuesday 26th May
Good Luck KPS
Hooray for Sports Day
GOOD LUCK Cameron or Douglas, or Maitland or McKenzie
Take a picture of your poster and post it here or on the school Twitter ( with #KPSsportsday) or on your Teams page.
I look forward to seeing your posters
Mrs Ferguson