Morning Activities
Good Morning Everyone – It’s Wellbeing Wednesday! How are you feeling today, which number are you and why?
– Our first activity is the follow up to yesterdays task. This activity focuses on analysing the vocabulary in the lyrics. Have Fun!
Home Learning Literacy Wednesday 17th June
– George the Sun Safe Superstar!
Activities: Create a 50 word summary of this video. Try to include the following key words: Slip, Slop, Slap, Sunglasses and Shade.
It is very important to be safe and healthy when the sun is shining! Create a poster/presentation to share information with members of your household OR! Make an electronic document/PowerPoint and send it to a family member or friend.
– Here are your Wednesday Numeracy activities- Mild, Hot or Spicy!(You may like to use your 100 grid to help you from your Learning Pack or in the slides.) There is also an additional task – Summer Sudoku! When completing problems it is important to have a Growth Mindset as the answer doesn’t always seem obvious to begin with…reflect when you are finished using this picture.
Home Learning Problem Solving Wednesday 17th June
Have a great morning,
Miss Sandy & Miss Cowan