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Storm Eowyn Red Weather Warning - School Closure

All West Lothian Council schools and Early Learning Centres will be closed tomorrow (Friday 24 January), in response to the red weather warning issued.

Our Vision, Values and Aims

Our KPS Vision, Values and Aims.

Our Vision

Knightsridge learners will receive a quality learning experience with positive outcomes for all learners where achievement and attainment is encouraged and celebrated at all levels. We are committed to working in partnership with all our stakeholders to break down barriers for all. Inclusion is fundamental to work at Knightsridge as we aim toBe The Best We Can Be.

Our Values

In carrying out all aspects of our work, we:

  • Conduct our business with integrity, impartiality, fairness, tolerance and mutual respect.
  • Value diversity, promoting social inclusion in an environment where everyone is welcome.
  • Seek progress through partnership, working closely with people with whom we share a common purpose.

Our Aims

Leadership and Management

  • To ensure a clear direction for the learning community which is shared by and involves all stakeholders.
  • To promote, encourage and provide opportunities for leadership at all levels.
  • To improve the quality of educational experiences for learners through a programme of continuing professional development for all staff.
  • To promote an ethos of self -evaluation for all leading to whole school improvement.

Learning Provision

  • To ensure a broad and balanced curriculum that provides young people with the best possible learning opportunities and experiences.
  • To provide the highest quality of learning and teaching experiences that enable young people to enjoy their education and develop positive attitudes towards learning.
  • To build and maintain effective partnerships between the school community and its parental body, external support agencies and its wider community.
  • To provide a welcoming, safe, caring and healthy environment in which each learner is valued and supported.
  • To provide pupils with opportunities to develop knowledge and understanding in relation to their duties and responsibilities of citizenship in a democratic society.

Successes and Achievements

  •  To ensure that all learners are able to realise their potential through the promotion and recognition of achievement and excellence.
  •  To provide effective support systems for all learners which promote personal and social development and underpin academic achievement.
  •  To ensure that all learners are able to experience a calm, positive and safe environment that promotes good behaviour, self-discipline, resilience  and respect for others.

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