Happy Tuesday Primary 4
Good morning Primary 4. It’s Tuesday which means it is writing day! I would like to continue with the new genre of writing an explanation. I have put the explanation example and layout on files under week 4, Tuesday. This week I would like us to write an explanation of how to be a good friend. Remember you will need a title, How To Be A Good Friend. Then you need a paragraph telling what you are going to be explaining and then at least 3 facts about being a good friend. Finally, remember to write your conclusion bringing all of your ideas together.
After writing is handwriting. If you were doing handwriting last week, you will know about pangrams. If not, a pangram is a sentence which uses every letter in the alphabet which is great for practising handwriting. I have attached another pangram for you to practise handwriting, joined if possible. As with last week, if you can come up with your own pangram I will give extra house points.
Next is maths and we are continuing with measuring. This time converting measurements between m and cm. Hopefully you can remember how many cm are in a m? What about mm in a cm? I have attached a mild, spicy and hot task for you to choose. Challenge yourself!
Finally this morning is Health and Wellbeing. Mrs Piper has sent a challenge for you to discuss with your families. Watch this Youtube clip
then discuss what are the 5 ways to wellbeing?
Have fun!