May Day Break Challenges
Hello Primary 1!
It is the end of another week of learning at home but the start of a brand new month! Can you remember which month comes after May? Today also marks Mrs Marshall’s last day of working at KPS. I know we will all miss her lovely smile in our school but wish her all the best in her much deserved retirement.
Next week will be a shorter school week because Monday and Tuesday are school holiday days! Miss Muir and I are sharing some challenges you may like to complete over these days and the weekend if you choose! If you are feeling up to the challenge, please share pictures on your Learning Journal so we can see what you get up to!
Mrs Ferguson has shared this special Star Wars themed PE activity that you can do! I know lots of you like Star Wars so I am sure you will have lots of fun accepting this challenge!
You can also go on a walk as part of your PE challenges and take part in this rainbow scavenger hunt! Can you complete all the things on it?
Well done to those of you who have already logged in to Oxford Owls and read some stories! Why don’t you also have a look at their YouTube channel? They have lots of videos of authors reading stories, setting challenges and doing draw-along videos! They are fantastic and I am sure you will find some you enjoy!
John Lewis have started a ‘Design a Super Bear’ competition where the winner’s design will be turned into a real teddy bear to be sold in shops at Christmas time with all proceeds going towards the NHS. Can you #designyoursuperbear ?
Remember to also continue logging in to SumDog for maths, numeracy, reading and spelling practise!
Enjoy your break and we will be back in touch on Wednesday. We hope to see lots of pictures of your learning waiting for us!
Miss Calder and Miss Muir