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P7/6 Wednesday 6th May

Welcome back. I hope you all had a lovely long weekend. The sun was certainly shining again!


I thought we would start the morning with some Mathletics activities and some times tables challenges on Sumdog. I will sign on later to see how you are doing. Take care with the word problems. You must read the whole problem carefully! I have also added a link to a new Nrich challenge all about creating number sequences. Please send me any sequences you manage to make.

Nrich Exploring wild patterns



I have noticed so much more litter around when I have been walking Rollo. What would make your community healthier and happier? Make something creative that could displayed in the community to get people to take responsibility for dog fouling/ dropping litter/parking on pavements. Share on Teams or email your ideas.

And finally take some D.E.A.R before lunch. Check back later for our afternoon activities.

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