Good Afternoon P2! 11.5.20
Good Afternoon Primary 2!
We hope you have had a good morning and managed to try some of the tasks posted. Mrs Williams tried the lego multiplication with others at home. We laid the pieces out in pairs (2’s) then made towers of ten lego blocks to practise our counting and skip counting!! We also tried skip counting while throwing and catching a ball outside!
This afternoon we are going back Under the Sea to watch Andy’s Aquatic Adventures on BBC iplayer (Series 1). Watch Episode 11 if you can all about dolphins. You can either write, draw or tell someone 3 facts that you have learned about dolphins (or any other animal you have learned about). Next try to unscramble these letters to make words of things you would find under the sea.
We hope you have a good afternoon.
Stay safe!
Mrs Williams and Mrs Burn