Tuesday Morning Primary 4
Good morning Primary 4. How are you today? Today is National Nurses Day
It is also the 200th anniversary of one of the most famous nurses ever, Florence Nightingale. Do you know anything about Florence Nightingale? For writing this morning, we are thinking about kindness. It is one of our school values and also something that nurses have to be. I have attached the example and layout for writing an explanation as we have been working on this term. So the explanation you should write is How to be kind. Remember to begin with a short paragraph about what it means to be kind, then try to write at least 3 ways you can be kind and finish with a conclusion.
After writing, we normally do handwriting but today I thought we could try and improve our typing skills. Just now we are doing a lot more typing than usual and if you can type quickly and accurately it is much easier. I have put on a couple of different websites to help learn the home keys. The home keys are where your fingers should rest so it is easy to find the other keys. We have looked at it in class before. Start with your left pinky on a, then follow each finger on your left hand for s, d and f. Then leave g and h and start your right hand on j, k, l and ; which is called a semi colon. You can choose from BBC dance mat typing or Kidztype which has lots of different games. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf2f9j6/articles/z3c6tfr or https://www.kidztype.com/jets-home-row_f5cd15e1c.html
Following touch typing, try to play sumdog to keep up with our competition. To finish the morning, I have attached a mindful map. It fits with our kindness value and can help you to have a positive mindset. Try to choose at least one thing to do from the map today.