Good Morning Primary 2! 19.5.20
Good Morning Everyone ,
We hope you have all had a good weekend and are ready for another week!
We will start this week with some spelling. The mild, spicy, hot choices are in the link below – choose the list you think is right for you and practise with some of the spelling ways you already know (read, write, cover, check/ rainbow letters/ bubble writing..)
Next, choose 5 words and write them in sentences. Remember capital letters and full stops. If you want to challenge yourself see how many of your words you can put into 1 sentence!
Numeracy and Maths
This week we are going to think about maths and measure. Find 10 different toys or teddies from around the house. Now line them up in order of length – shortest at one end and the longest at the other. Which is the longest? Which is shortest? Can you compare them? Try to say in a sentence X is longer than Y. Can you find 2 things at home that are taller then you? and 2 things that are shorter than you? Next use your feet as a measure! Stand at one end of a room, put one foot in front of the other toe to heel and measure how many of your feet it takes to cross the room. Write your answers in your jotter.
The Fischy Music Assembly is streamed live every Monday. You will be able to look up and listen to yesterdays where you will hear some new songs similar to the ones we sing at school. You can find them here if you want to have a listen!
Hope you all have a lovely morning
Mrs Williams and Mrs Burn