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P7/6 Wednesday 20th May

Good morning P7/6. It was lovely to speak to you all yesterday at our class meeting. I love to hear about books that you are reading and new recipes that you are trying out at home. Remember to send me some more words for our Kindness Alphabet. There are still a few spaces to fill.


This morning I have added some activities to Mathletics. We are still looking at patterns and relationships. Keep working hard on the more challenging ones. Remember to complete Miss Mitchell’s problem solving challenges this morning. You can find them on our blog and on Teams. Good luck!


Follow the link below to learn more about hyperbole, similes and metaphors. Can you remember the difference between similes and metaphors? There are 3 activities to try out. Share your learning and send me an example of a hyperbole, simile and metaphor that you have written. Remember to take some D.E.A.R. time and check in to let me know who is learning today!

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