Good Afternoon Primary 5/4
Good Afternoon everyone,
I hope you’re having a really good day. Why don’t you enjoy some time reading over lunch today? Or find somewhere comfortable this afternoon and settle down with a good book?
Isn’t this a lovely image? What powerful message do you see?
You could try this Music Challenge at some point?
Or perhaps you would like to do some Art and Craft?
Rainbows are everywhere at the moment and this a lovely activity to try. I worked with children last week in the Hub to make these. You can write your own inspirational quote or search for one ? We would love to see your finished work too!
It ties in so nicely with our learning about KINDNESS too.
Have a lovely afternoon, Primary 5/4, and remember to join the Class Teams Meeting at 2.45pm, if you can. Take care,
Mrs Ramsay