Primary 3 Morning Activities
Good Morning, how are you feeling today? Check in with us, you could draw a ‘Blob’ to visualise how you are feeling ? Here is a Cosmic Kids Yoga video to get our body and mind ready for today.
Below is a ‘calendar’ which you can complete as many or as few activities as you like throughout June. If you need a helping hand, email your teacher.
Sumdog is great to practice number knowledge but it also has a section for spelling. ( Click on the ‘maths’ tab and you can scroll down to spelling and grammar.) It’s really important to practice as it will help you remember your spelling patterns.
Thank you to those of you who sent your contractions work, it was great!! Today we would like you to think about prepositions. Click on the link below to refresh your memory with BBC Bitesize. There are lots of great interactive tasks too!
Here are the activities to complete in your jotter:
Home Learning Literacy Tuesday 2nd June
Have a productive morning,
Miss Sandy & Miss Cowan