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P2 - Monday 15th June - am

Good morning,

Can you believe we are half way through the month of June already!

Morning Starter

You could start today by writing down –

  • What day is it?
  • What day was it yesterday?
  • What date is it?
  • What is the weather like?

Digital Learning Game

Here is a new learning game you may like to try called Karate Cats on BBC Bitesize.

 Outdoor Learning

Make the time outdoors special and craft your names with natural materials! Challenge: Can you write both your first and second name (and any middle names)? Can you write your friend’s name or your pet’s name?

Name Writing Nature Hunt: Make your time outdoors special and craft your names with natural materials! An idea for an outing with kids or your partner if you both feel like having some innocent romantic fun.

What shapes can you make using things you find outside? How many different shapes can you make? Can you invent a new shape that no one has ever made before?

 Supermovers – Help us to learn about grammar

Have a look at BBC Teach Supermovers to help us get moving and learn about grammar

Have a lovely morning everyone!

From Mrs Burn and Mrs Williams


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