Good Afternoon Primary 1!
Hi Primary 1!
Happy Thursday! Our focus for this week is joy, we hope you enjoyed your task of identifying all of the things that bring you joy.
I wonder if you can think of any other emotion words to use if you feel joy? Can you write them down anywhere?
Summer is not far away which means the days get longer and the nights are lighter. Fingers crossed beautiful weather comes back round our way and you can get out to play lots. Whilst we are getting out to play more it is important to think about road safety! Listen to the song to remind you how to cross the road safely. Can you remember going a walk with our buddies to practise? Go out on a daily walk, how many different crossings can you find?
Remember to stop, think, look and listen to cross the road safely!
Can you ask a grown up to read you the road safety story whilst you enjoy some milk and biscuits this afternoon?
Have a lovely afternoon! We are looking forward to seeing your Art challenges!
Miss Muir & Miss Calder