Final Friday!
Good morning Primary 6! Can you believe it is our final day of term? It has certainly been a year we won’t ever forget!
So, for the final time this year, here is our learning for today!
Start your Friday with Free Writing. What could you write about? It is your choice, but you could write about something summer themed as we move into the holidays?
Next, time to reflect on the year. What are some of your favourite memories of being in Primary 6? What do you think is the most important thing you have learned? What are you most proud of? You can write or draw your reflections of the year – be as creative as you wish!
I think my favourite memories would be our conversations after Newsround each week and the morning that we did our floating and sinking experiments!
Just for fun! As a challenge, can you think of something you have learned this year, starting with each letter of the alphabet? So for A you might have learned that the first astronaut in space was Yuri Gagarin. For B you might have learned something about Bees. Can you get something for every letter?
As always, please share your learning with me on Teams or via email. I love to see what you’ve been up to!
Have a lovely morning!